Inglise keel edasijõudnutele / English for Advanced Leaners (Level B2>C1.1)

The aim of the course is to expand vocabulary, focusing on academic communication and expanding vocabulary related to the field of studies, developing and using it. The course will stress all aspects of linguistic competence (listening, speaking, reading, writing). The main focus is on expanding vocabulary related to the students' specialty and reading, understanding, explaining specialty-related academic texts.

Timing: Course starts 13.02.2024. Tuesday at 18:00-19:30 week 24-32 and Friday at 14:15 – 15:45 week 24, 26-29, 32

Location: room 202 (Posti 1)

Amount of credits: 3 ECTS

Level: B2>C1.1

Course code in ÕIS: HVVK.12.071

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