Workshop "Spinning the Estonian Way"

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Liis Luhamaa

Teacher: Liis Luhamaa

Liis Luhamaa has been handspinning for over 10 years and she has co-authored the only Estonian spinning book From Wool to Yarn. She is a self-taught and self-employed handicrafter. Liis is currently studying at UT Viljandi Culture Academy MA curriculum of Native Crafts. Liis has been teaching handspinning workshops for years and she thinks that every knitter and weaver can benefit from experiencing wool processing and handspinning firsthand.

Kihnu Native sheep are small indigenous sheep from Kihnu island. They have archaic double coated fleeces in all natural shades. Their wool is lovely and very versatile. In 2016 Kihnu Native sheep were recognized as an official breed. On Kihnu island old techniques for production carding and spinning have survived to this day. 

In this workshop you will learn these traditional Estonian handcarding and spinning techniques. For spinning, old Estonian double drive spinning wheels are used. All samples will be spun from lovely Kihnu Native sheeps’ wool.

The participation fee includes the use of carding and spinning equipment and Kihnu Native sheeps' wool for spinning samples. This workshop is suitable for participants who know how to spin with a spinning wheel, the level of the workshop is intermediate. 


Värske kraam Viljandist 2024


Selle aasta Viljandi linnameister on sepp Tõnis Luik


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