International Study Modules for Exchange Students

Our study modules for incoming exchange students
  • Language of instruction is English.
  • Study location is the town of Viljandi.
  • Each specialisation below has three sub-modules: Subject-related Studies, Estonian Language and Culture and Social Competences. Students are free to choose individual courses from these sub-modules, complete only one sub-module or all three.
  • Modules aside, all exchange students can have their individual study plans (not limited to specialisations below). If you would like to learn more, please contact directly Krista Tamm ( for further instructions.


Estonian Native Textile


Dance Studies

Theatre Technical Arts



Viljandi pärandusfestival 2024


House of Europe BIP Viljandis toob aprillis kultuuriakadeemiasse külla viie partnerülikooli tudengid

Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilased

Tule ja tutvu ingliskeelsete õppekavadega!