TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia

International workshop brings young performing artists to Viljandi

From 1 to 12 August, UT Viljandi Culture Academy hosts a workshop "The Technicians without Frontiers" organised by La Filière Centre National de Formation (France), offering performing arts students an international cooperation experience.

Twenty students from France, Germany, the UK and Estonia specialising in lighting design, video design, technical production, sound design and stage design will take part. During the two weeks, they will learn the skills of working in an international team, make contacts and develop their proficiency in creating public art events.

According to Laurence Vasseur, International Relations Coordinator at La Filière, the technical team rarely gets the chance to shine on stage, but this workshop gives them the chance to take the challenge. "This format encourages young people to step out of their comfort zone and create something completely new," said Vasseur.

Vasseur added that the city of Viljandi, with its atmosphere, is the perfect place for this project. "I am sure that the weeks spent in the pristine nature of Viljandi will give European students a lot of new knowledge about their field of study and Estonian culture."

During the workshop, participants will produce 5–10-minute performances based on Estonian cultural heritage, which will be shared with the audience on 11 August from 15–17. The journey begins from the main building of the UT Viljandi Culture Academy and will move through the urban space. The detailed programme will be revealed on 8 August. All performances are free of charge.

The workshop is organised in collaboration with La Filière performing arts training centre, Rose Bruford College and UT Viljandi Culture Academy. The workshop is supported by La Filière college of performing arts (CFA-SVA, Centre de Formation des Apprentis des métiers techniques du Spectacle Vivant et de l'Audiovisuel) and FGYO Franco-German Youth Office. 

More information is available on the Facebook page.


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