Help Ukrainian students continue their studies – make a donation to UT scholarship fund

The University of Tartu has established a scholarship fund to collect and channel donations to support the studies of Ukrainian students at the University of Tartu.

Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser said that it is our duty to provide students who have come to study at the University of Tartu from Ukraine with all the support they need to feel safe, both in these extremely difficult times and as they think about their future and studies. "The education of Ukrainian students must continue despite the tragedy and the related economic hardship that has hit their home country and families. Every member, graduate and cooperation partner of the University of Tartu, as well as every education-minded Estonian resident, can contribute to this through the scholarship fund," said Asser.

The first application round was open until 15 March. For the first time, scholarships amounting to €47,700 were disbursed through donations to 32 students. Scholarships of €1,100 to €1,600 were awarded, and the scholarship holders can use the money according to their needs. Next application round in the UT Scholarship Fund for Ukrainian Students opens on 1 September.

Scan the QR-code to make the payment or make a donation on the website of the University of Tartu Foundation.

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See our website for more information about what the university is doing to help our Ukraininan staff and students and to prepare for the arrival of refugees from Ukraine.

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