TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia

The last intensive week of the TUNE project took place in France

From May 13th to 18th, the final intensive week of the TUNE project took place in Poitiers, France. Participants included folk music students from across Europe, including five students from cultural academies. The host of this fifth and concluding intensive week was the Aliénor Pole College in France. Representatives from all partner universities that had previously organized international study weeks were present: the University of South-Eastern Norway, the Conservatory of Vigo (Spain), the University of Ioannina (Greece), and the University of Tartu’s Viljandi Culture Academy. The European Association of Music Conservatories (AEC) is also involved as a partner in the project. 

Representing the University of Tartu’s Viljandi Culture Academy during the intensive week were Marko Mägi (program director for music studies), Cätlin Mägi and Kelly Veinberg (faculty members), and Kadri Steinbach (one of the project’s main leaders and the director of studies). Among the students participating in the intensive week were Marta-Helene Hansing, Emma Lotta Kiviberg, Triinu Orgmets, Romet Allingu, and Villem Suits, all specializing in folk music. 

Throughout the week, various workshops related to folk music were held, where representatives from each country introduced their musical heritage. This included presentations on children’s traditions and singing practices from different countries. The highlights of the intensive week were two events: a joint concert and a conference. The concert featured performances by all participating students, including faculty members. Kadri Steinbach served as one of the moderators during the conference, and Cätlin Mägi led two lively workshops as part of the conference. 

The TUNE project (Traditional Music Undergraduate Network in Europe) aims to promote folk music education in higher education institutions. Running for three years (2021–2024) as an Erasmus+ KA2 project, it primarily involves joint study weeks. Additionally, a web platform and a shared module have been developed, allowing project partners to continue collaboration beyond the project period. 

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