"Digital Skills for Music Teachers" continuing education course enriched the knowledge of more than 30 teachers across Europe

Kerttu Kruusla

Today, 10 July, the "Digital Skills for Music Teachers" continuing education course for music teachers finished its first cycle. Altogether, 34 teachers from Ireland, Spain and Estonia attended the course.

The course consisted of four modules: digital safety and ethics for music teachers, collaboration, learning environment and new technologies, online music pedagogy and specific digital skills for music teachers. It included online lectures and the creation of new video learning materials, which will be made available on the project's website for anyone interested.

"The training course was a great success. What was most valuable and exciting was to see how digital tools are used in music education in different countries and to learn about the participants' previous experience and challenges in learning," says Kadri Steinbach, Director of Academic Affairs at the UT Viljandi Culture Academy.

"Digital Skills for Music Teachers" (DISK) is a collaboration between Reina Sofía School of Music, Grupo DEX (Spain), MTU Cork School of Music (Ireland) and UT Viljandi Culture Academy. All those who have completed the training will receive a continuing education certificate from the University of Tartu.

The second cycle will start in October 2024; registration will begin in autumn. On 3 October, an open workshop will be held in the black box of Viljandi Culture Academy, where the project will be introduced, and participants are welcome to reflect on music pedagogy and digital skills.

The project "Digital Skills for Music Teachers" is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.

Project's website: https://digitalskills4musicteachers.eu/en_GB/home.

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