Mathilde F. Lind

Seto Double Running Stitch Embroidery */**

Teacher: Sigre Andreson

Sigre Andreson at her home farm

Sigre Andreson graduated from the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy with a degree in Native Textiles (2016) and an MA in Heritage Technology (2019). She lives in Setomaa in southeastern Estonia, one of the most fascinating areas of traditional culture in Estonia. She has worked as head of the Seto Museum in Obinitsa and established the Seto Handicraft Kogo (2006), an organisation that unites Seto artisans, of which she is a board member to this day. She has been the project manager for several traditional Seto handicraft books (tablet-woven belts, crochet lace, bobbin lace) and is the author of a pattern book for Seto men's socks. She works as a handicraft teacher at Meremäe School. She also organises rural life and handicraft workshops at the nearly 150-year-old Rikka Ivvan Farm.

Hip apron with red double running stitch embroidery

A 19th-century Seto woman's folk costume includes an extremely long-sleeved shirt and a hip apron embellished with red geometric double running stitch embroidery. Multicoloured double running stitch embroidery motifs are also used to decorate the ends of a married Seto woman's headdress. Double running stitch embroidery is identical on both sides.


During the workshop, a pincushion will be made from woollen fabric and decorated with Seto geometrical double running stitch motifs.

Seto Double Running Stitch Embroidery, scissors, needel and thread

The participation fee includes woollen fabric and yarn, water-soluble canvas, needles and the usage of scissors. The course is suitable for beginners as well as participants with previous embroidery experience. Irrespective of participant's earlier experience, good geometrical perception is of avail.