Studies and traineeships abroad

Studying or carrying out a traineeship abroad gives you valuable international experience, broadens your horizons, and is a definite advantage in the job market. Students at UT Viljandi Culture Academy can study as exchange students in universities worldwide through partnership agreements, international programmes (including Erasmus+ and Nordplus), and scholarships from governments and foundations.

As a student, you are advised by the international relations specialist, your programme director, and the head of your specialisation.

You must complete at least 15 ECTS credits at the receiving institution. Start by discussing your studies abroad with the academic affairs specialist in your study programme.

Latest open calls of study abroad

Where to go?

This is a question to discuss with your programme director and other lecturers who have personal contacts in many foreign schools and knowledge of the curricula. The UT Viljandi Culture Academy has many international partner schools to choose from, and the University of Tartu has partners worldwide.

How to go?

International Relations Specialist Krista Tamm can help you with this question.

Krista Tamm
UT VCA main building room 224
phone +372 5300 2782

The most popular exchange programmes
  • Erasmus+ studies in Europe, 3 to 12 months. The grant amount is from €606 to €674 per month, depending on the destination. The application period is open at the beginning of the spring semester, with a second round in early September.
  • Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+ ICM). Exchange studies outside of the European Union. The grant is €700 per month plus a one-off travel allowance. Application round twice a year.
  • Erasmus+ traineeships abroad, 2 to 6 months. Grant from €756 to €824 per month. There are no pre-agreements with the organizations; you have to find your job placement yourself. You can apply every month for the scholarship. This grant is also available for newly graduated students from 2 to 6 months.
  • Nordplus Short-term mobility in the Nordic and Baltic countries – mostly five days. The UT Viljandi Culture Academy is a member of several Nordplus networks. Studying at a Nordplus partner university is free of charge; you get a small financial contribution for transport and accommodation.
How to apply?

For Erasmus+, fill your application in SoleMove, where you can log in with your University of Tartu username and password. All documents must be submitted to SoleMove.

Documents required for application:

  • application submitted in SoleMove;
  • motivation letter in Estonian or English;
  • transcript of records;
  • certificate of foreign language skills.

Conditions for applicants
  • To apply, you must be a UT student (external students, visiting students, and residents are not eligible)
  • Before your exchange period starts, you must have completed at least the first year of undergraduate or postgraduate studies. You may apply in the spring of the first year.
  • You must ensure that the studies abroad fit into your study period at the Viljandi Culture Academy (including transferring your results from the institution abroad). Please note that studies at a single foreign university can last 3-12 months in a row.
  • For semester studies in the next academic year, applications can be submitted in February-March, and a second call for applications for the spring semester will take place in early September.

Attention! Please check the application requirements and deadlines for international students – they differ from those of the University of Tartu!

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