Cooperation: students of Viljandi Culture Academy can practise at theatres in Paris

The UT Viljandi Culture Academy has signed a cooperation agreement with the French La filière training centres for performing arts and theatre technical arts (Centre de Formation d'Apprentis du spectacle vivant et de l'audiovisuel and Centre de Formation des Apprentis des métiers techniques du Spectacle Vivant et de l’Audiovisuel), allowing for annual traineeship exchange. From 11 to 14 January, the French partners visited Viljandi Culture Academy to get to know their Estonian colleagues and discuss further opportunities for cooperation. 

As part of the cooperation project, each year, four students of sound technology, video and lighting design, and technical production of Viljandi Culture Academy can do their traineeship in theatres in Paris. In 2022, students can go to Opéra Comique, Association Cité Théâtre and Théâtre de la Colline, Théâtre de la Ville. Four students of La filière have the opportunity to do their traineeship at the Estonian National Opera and the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences. The first traineeship exchange takes place already in February and lasts for one month. In addition to the physical exchange, the cooperation includes a virtual part of the cooperation, where all students participating in the exchange take a course by Taavet Jansen, Lecturer of Multimedia of the UT Viljandi Culture Academy curriculum of Performing Arts. It introduces online theatre – a web-based form of performing arts.

According to Tiiu Tamm, Programme Director of the Performing Arts curriculum at the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, students have so far searched for traineeship opportunities independently, but from now they can also apply through the partnership programme. “The experience of a traineeship abroad during studies is highly appreciated among students, which was also proven by the number of applications we received,” Tamm said. “This is an excellent opportunity to take part in the teamwork of theatres, and it is great that such prestigious Paris theatres welcome our students.” 

During their visit to the academy, Director of La filière Bruno Burtre, Coordinator of International Relations Laurence Vasseur and Training Director Béatrice Gouffier met the management of Viljandi Culture Academy and participated in several meetings with the staff of the Performing Arts curriculum. They also visited the main building and the Study Abroad Centre of the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Opera in Tallinn.

2022 is the pilot year of the cooperation project, but both sides have expressed the hope for long-term cooperation. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ mobility programme. 

On the photo: Director Juko-Mart Kõlar and Director for Academic Affairs Kadri Steinbach from Viljandi Culture Academy and Coordinator of International Relations Laurence Vasseur, Training Director Béatrice Gouffier and Director Bruno Burtre from La filière.

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