Andero Kalju

Menu layout and search of the UT website have a new look

At the beginning of August, the menu layout of the UT website was updated. In the new layout, the first level of the menu is at the top of the screen and opens as a dropdown, giving a better overview of the menu items. It is now also possible to display adverts and notifications next to the menu level. 

"Both internal feedback from the University of Tartu and an international report on university websites have shown that such a full-width menu is the best choice for large and complex pages, which is why we have decided to switch to a new layout," said Head of Marketing Karl Vetemaa. 

Menüüriba on uues lahenduses lehe ülemises servas.
In the new layout, the menu bar is located at the top of the page. (author: Tartu Ülikool)
Menüütasandid avanevad teineteise kõrvale.
Menu levels open side by side. (author: Tartu Ülikool)
Selle menüütasandi kõrval saab kuvada teemakohaseid teateid.
Relevant notifications can be displayed next to this menu level. (author: Tartu Ülikool)

At the end of June, the principles for displaying the search results on the website and the design of the search page were also changed. The system now uses the following rules for ranking the results.   

The searched word or phrase  

  1. appears in the page title;  
  2. appears in the subheading or headings of the page;  
  3. appears in the content of the page;  
  4. has been tagged as a keyword on the page.  

You can give feedback on the University of Tartu website on the Jira platform after logging in with your UT account. 

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Thank you for the feedback!
Ukraina lipp

Information regarding the war in Ukraine

Tekstiroboti suunisele saavad õppetöös tugineda üliõpilased ja akadeemilised töötajad.

University of Tartu guidelines for using ChatGPT are now available