Head of Viljandi Culture Academy to receive Estonian state decoration

Among the 99 people receiving state decorations given by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, are a few people from the academy.

The Order of the White Star 3rd Class is given to the head of Viljandi Culture Academy, Anzori Barkalaja. He was nominated for his work in developing education. Barkalaja says that the decoration is honoring every person and employee of the Culture Academy. He states that he is not a sole person responsible for the development and success of Viljandi Culture Academy but other who have been before him and are currently his colleagues.

The Order of the White Star 4th Class is given to Heiki Pärdi, lecturer in Native Crafts department and Ene Lukka-Jegikjan, former staff and lecturer. Former lecturer and folklorist Marju Kõivupuu will receive The Order of the White Star 5th Class.

The awarding ceremony is held at Endla Theatre, Pärnu, on February 23rd.

Read more about Estonian state decorations here.

More info:
Hannele Känd
Communication and project manager
Phone +372 5669 8839 / 435 5260