Area of Vice Rector for Development

Kristi Kerge
Kristi Kerge
Head of International Cooperation
MBA (Business Administration)
+372 737 6123
+372 529 7677 (6123)
Ülikooli 18-302
Lauri Randveer
Senior Specialist for International Cooperation
+372 737 5510
+372 512 9996 (5510)
Ülikooli 18-302
Eveli Soo
Eveli Soo
Head of International Marketing
MA (Economics and Business Administration)
+372 737 6114
+372 523 4831 (6114)
Ülikooli 18-301
Anna Branets
Anna Branets
Senior Specialist for International Marketing
MA (Ukrainian Language and Literature)
+372 737 6109 (6109)
Ülikooli 18-301
Taavi Kull
Senior Specialist for Protocol 0.5 p
+372 5479 0384 (5479)
Ülikooli 18-305
  • Development and management of the university’s recognition policy
  • Organisation of events and concerts, including negotiations with partners
Tiina Jaksman
Project Manager
+372 737 6167
+372 5625 7890 (6167)
Ülikooli 18-302
  • Coordination of ENLIGHT network activities at the University of Tartu and among partner universities
  • Project management and reporting
  • Monitoring project progress, evaluating outcomes, and implementing necessary improvements to ensure success.
Karoliina Vilimaa-Pennarun
Karoliina Vilimaa-Pennarun
Senior Specialist for International Cooperation
+372 737 6164
+372 5345 2565 (6164)
Ülikooli 18-305
  • Coordinating global mobility under the European Commission's Erasmus+ KA1 programme and organizing the reception of incoming staff and faculty from foreign higher education institutions within the framework of the programme.
portrait picture
Kristel Pedassaar
Senior Specialist for International Cooperation
+372 737 6115
+372 504 7716 (6115)
Ülikooli 18-305
  • Conference and event organization support and consultation
  • Support for international mobility and travel arrangements, including university-wide travel procurement
  • Simplification of administrative processes and development of digital solutions
Sirje Üprus
Head of International Protocol 0.6 p
+372 737 5615
+372 509 7117 (5615)
Ülikooli 18-305
Kady Sõstar
Senior Specialist for Protocol
+372 737 5685
+372 511 9188 (5685)
Ülikooli 18-305
Gerda Palm
Assistant-Scholarship Counsellor
+372 5428 0821 (3821)
Ülikooli 18-302
  • Departmental administration, document management, and handling of incoming inquiries
  • Submitting requests for catering services
  • Erasmus+ short-term blended mobility (BIP) grants and reporting
Anneli Maaring
Staff Mobility Specialist
+372 737 5192
+372 515 0184 (5192)
Ülikooli 18-304
Sandra Eowyn Karu
International Marketing Specialist
+372 737 6112
Ülikooli 18-301
  • Execution of the university's international marketing projects and plans (including the Tiksu to UniTartu podcast, video projects, Virtual Open Day, and UniTartu Instagram).
  • Recruitment of international students
Mai Torim
Communication Specialist 0.5 p
MA (Spanish Language and Literature)
+372 553 0766
Ülikooli 18–301

Study Abroad Centre

Annika Kalda
Erasmus Student Exchange Coordinator
+372 737 6085
+372 5382 8262 (6085)
Ülikooli 18-304
  • Incoming Erasmus+ Europe exchange students
  • Short-term blended mobilities (incoming)
  • Orientation course coordination 
  • English-taught courses for the short-term exchange students
Piret Saluveer
Erasmus Programme Traineeship Coordinator
+372 737 6019
+372 5308 1005 (6019)
Ülikooli 18-304
  • Outgoing Erasmus+ programme traineeship students
  • UT students short-term blended mobility for traineeship
  • Study Abroad Center`s websites and social media management
Jaanika Haljasmäe
Erasmus Programme Coordinator
+372 737 5151
+372 5399 4788 (5151)
Ülikooli 18-304

  • Project related matters (KA131)
  • Advising on cooperation agreements
  • EWP (Erasmus Without Paper) contact
  • BIP (Blended Intensive Program)
  • UT students short-term blended mobility for studies
Piret Maiste
Student Exchange Coordinator 0.8 p
MSc (Tourism Geography)
+372 737 6270
+372 5382 8271 (6270)
Ülikooli 18–304

Incoming exchange and visiting students:

  • Inter-university cooperation agreements
  • ISEP programme
  • Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
  • Swiss-European Mobility Programme
Hanna-Annika Kuulmets
Student Exchange Counsellor 0.5 p
+372 5305 5378
Ülikooli 18–304
  • Visiting PhD Students
  • Self-paying free movers
  • Incoming traineeship students
Kristi Liivamägi
Kristi Liivamägi
Study Abroad Coordinator
+372 737 5800
+372 5346 3350 (5800)
Ülikooli 18–304

Outgoing UT students:

  • Erasmus+ Europe exchange
  • Inter-university cooperation agreements
  • ISEP programme
  • Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
  • Swiss-European Mobility Programme

Collections Department

Communication Office

Maria Kullamägi
Specialist for Marketing 0.5 p
MA (Communication Management)
Ilona Piirimägi
Specialist for Communication
MA (Ethnology)
+372 737 6074
Lossi 25
Kadi Küng
Manager (employment contract suspended) 0.3 p

Department of Education

Kärt Soieva
Curator of Educational Activities (natural sciences) 0.8 p
Keiu Vakmann
Curator of Educational Activities (natural sciences) 0.4 p
Sergei Põlme
Acting Director
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
Kadri Põldmaa
Associate Professor in Mycology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 512 0743 (6173)
Marko Prous
Research Fellow in Biodiversity and Genomics
PhD (Zoology)
Vanemuise 46
Madis Kasemaa
Senior Specialist in Marketing and Communication
Vanemuise 46-249
Martin Vipp
Senior Specialist of Development projects 0.6 p
+372 5667 9409
Kätlin Koser
Administrative Manager
+372 737 6076
+372 5310 1604
Vanemuise 46-303

University of Tartu Natural History Museum

Sergei Põlme
Research Fellow in Biodiversity
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
Vanemuise 46-309

Botanical Collections

Kai Vellak
Head 0.5 p
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 524 6249 (6229)
Lai 40
Mari Müür
MSc (protection of biodiversity)
Kaili Orav
Curator 0.6 p
MSc (Plant and Fungal Sciences)

Geological Collections

Mare Isakar
Chief Treasurer
MSc (Geology)
+372 5310 1602
Vanemuise 46-232
Külli Kübar
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 737 5839
Vanemuise 46-232

Zoological Collections

Villu Soon
Research Fellow of Zoology
PhD (Zoology)
+372 5310 1601
Vanemuise 46-308
Mati Martin
Senior Specialist 0.4 p
cand (Biology)
Vanemuise 46-308
Olga Borodina
Specialist in Entomology 0.5 p
mag (Biology)
Vanemuise 46-107
Margus Ots
Senior Specialist in Ornithology (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p

Mycological Collections

Ave Suija
Associate Professor in Lichenology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemise 46-217
Irja Saar
Research Fellow in Mycology
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemise 46-217
Irma Zettur
Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections 0.75 p
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
Vanemuise 46-216, 217
Ede Oja
Curator 0.5 p
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
Vanemuise 46-217
Marju Vahter
Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-216
Mari Müür
MSc (protection of biodiversity)
Vanemuise 46-217

Microbiological Collections

Irma Zettur
Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
Vanemuise 46-216, 217
Marju Vahter
Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-216

DNA and Environmental Sample Collections

Sergei Põlme
Director of Collections
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
+372 5594 5041
J. Liivi 2-337

Research Group for Biological Informatics

Urmas Kõljalg
Professor in Mycology
PhD (Ecology)
+372 5341 2823 (6235)
J. Liivi 2-333
Kessy Abarenkov
Associate Professor in Biodiversity Informatics
PhD (Botany and Mycology)
J. Liivi 2-334
Kristjan Adojaan
Specialist in Biodiversity Informatics 0.6 p
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 730 1040
+372 503 9306
Vanemuise 46-304

University of Tartu Botanical Garden

Jüri Sild
Head of the Botanical Garden
MSc (Genetics)
+372 5608 0344 (6218)
Lai 38
Vilma Veldre
Administrator-information Specialist
+372 737 6180
Lai 38

Department of Exhibitions and Nature Education

Reet Mägi
mag (European Studies)
+372 504 0826 (6073)
Vanemuise 46-249
Aivo Tamm
Museum's Teacher
+372 511 1724 (3724)
Vanemuise 46-249
Kaarin Hein
Project manager
PhD (Animal Ecology)
+372 5693 2730
Lai 40
Külli Kalamees-Pani
Coordinator for Nature Education 0.8 p
MSc (Didactics of Biology)
+372 534 25101 (3101)
Vanemuise 46-249
Inge Kukk
Senior Specialist 0.6 p
MA (History of Art)
Vanemuise 46
Piret Pungas-Kohv
Senior Specialist for Nature Education 0.25 p
PhD (Human Geography)
Tõnu Pani
Specialist 0.7 p
MSc (Geology and Mineralogy)
Vanemuise 46-249
Margit Hirv
Specialist for Nature Education
MSc (Botany and Mycology)
+372 523 9736 (7736)
Lai 40
Kersti Kihno
Nature Education Specialist
MSc (Geoecology)
Vanemuise 46
Riste Keskpaik
Exhibition Curator 0.25 p
MSc (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Kätlin Koser
Secretary-Information Specialist
+372 737 6076
+372 5310 1604
Vanemuise 46-303
Katrin Kolnes
Facility Supervisor-Information Specialist 0.85 p
+372 737 6077
Vanemuise 46
Mariia Bochkova
Guide 0.2 p
MSc (Human Geography and Regional Planning)
Vanemuise 46
Elen Metspalu
Specialist (employment contract suspended) 0.8 p
MSc (Zoology and Hydrobiology)
Mihkel Tammo
Head of Entrepreneurship
+372 524 5357
Narva mnt 18-4003
Marit Saul
Head of Technology Transfer
MA (Law)
+372 737 6546
Narva mnt 18-4004
Relika Alliksaar Williams
Expert of Knowledge Transfer
+372 737 4804
+372 521 4876 (4804)
Narva mnt 18-4004
Kenn Laas
Project Manager, Business Relations
MA (Change Management in Society)
+372 522 7736
Narva mnt 18–4006
Reet Adamsoo
Legal Advisor in Matters of Intellectual Property
+372 737 6202
+372 504 0719 (6202)
Narva mnt 18-4008-B
Ülle Jagomägi
Head of Business Relations
+372 737 4888
+372 5333 0227 (4888)
Narva mnt 18-4006
Alar Tõru
Partnerships Coordinator
+372 505 2783 (3783)
Narva mnt 18-4006
Alina Paas
Technology Transfer Specialist
MA (Information Technology Law)
+372 737 4810
Narva mnt 18-4004
Ly Kütt
Assistant of Support Services
+372 737 4805
Narva mnt 18-4011
Käroliin Müür
Specialist of Business Relations
+372 737 4806
Narva mnt 18-4007