Mathilde F. Lind

Muhu Floral Embroidery **

Teacher: Alliki Oidekivi

Alliki Oidekivi

Alliki Oidekivi (b 1967) graduated from the Tallinn Technical School of Light Industry in 1987 as a sewing industry technologist and in 2014 from the UT Viljandi Culture Academy with a degree in Estonian Native Textiles, specialising in making of folk costumes and traditional leatherwork. Her works have been exhibited in shows and exhibitions (OmaMood, 2013 and 2014; Ajast Aega Ajatu, 2014; Ajatus, 2018), and she has participated in contests (Eesti-oma-märss, 2007; Eesti-maa-villane, 2013). Alliki's instructions have been published in the book „Loo, koo, rõõmusta“ („Create, Knit, Rejoice“) and in the magazine „Käsitöö“ („Handicraft“). Since 2015, she has conducted handicraft training courses: sewing, knitting, crochet, tablet weaving and the making of Muhu slippers. The focus of these courses is to learn and use traditional handicraft methods. In 2020, Alliki graduated from a two-year-long course in the Folk Costume Courses in Saaremaa.

Embroidered Muhu baby slippers

In Muhu, floral embroidery became fashionable from the early 1900s when the lower border (ai) of yellow skirts started to be decorated in this way. In addition to skirt borders, this type of floral embroidery can be found on Muhu slippers, stockings and coifs. Besides clothing items, many interior textiles were embroidered with flowers. Muhu embroidered blankets are one of the best examples of the Muhu people's love of colour and their skill with yarn and needle. Embroidery is fashionable in Muhu even nowadays. Among the traditional items, Muhu slippers with floral embroidery (roositud pätid) are still made and worn, but embroidery is also transferred to gloves, hats and even T-shirts.

Emboidered Muhu pillow

The most common type of stitch today is the Roumanian couching stitch. It is complemented by French knot, stem and satin stitches. In this workshop, we will get acquainted with different motifs embroidered with various stitches, learn how to embroider Roumanian couching stitch and how to embroider a shaded motif. We will embroider the top of the pincushion and also make a pincushion.

All materials are included in the participation fee. The list of materials and tools used during the course includes: woollen fabric, a set of embroidery yarns, embroidery needle, thimble, circular embroidery frame, scissors and pen for marking motives on the fabric. In case the participant has embroidered before, they can bring their own tools (e.g. needle, thimble, scissors).  This workshop is suitable for intermediate and experienced embroiderers.