University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy renewed contract with Albu Parish and A. H. Tammsaare Museum

This year is the year of “Truth and Justice (Tõde ja õigus)” to celebrate the passing of 90 years from the first print of Anton Hansen Tammsaare’s work of the same name and the 80th anniversary of the opening of the monument to the beloved writer.
On 4 March at Vargamäe, Director of UT Viljandi Culture Academy Iñaki Sandoval signed a cooperation agreement with the Director of the Museum Reelika Räime and the Rural Municipality Mayor of Albu Parish Kalju Kertsmik. The aim of the contract is to contribute to the activities of the “Truth and Justice” year, all departments of the academy are involved in the cooperation.
The organisation of one traditional music concert and information day about renovation was agreed on. In addition, in autumn 2016, students of the academy will conduct drama studies in the schools of Albu Parish and start preparations to stage a play at Vargamäe next year.
UT Viljandi Culture Academy’s cooperation with A. H. Tammsaare Museum and Albu Parish began in 2006 when a respective agreement was signed for the first time.
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